License Application
To adjust the settings in the Dateq SPL-TS limiters an installers license is required.
If you haven't received one (yet) or have lost it, you can request one by filling out the form below.
These installation license files are provided to professional audio installers only.
If you are the owner of an SPL limiter and settings need to be adjusted, please contact the limiter supplier or look up the nearest installer in your area via our distribution page.
Installation licenses issued are strictly personal and registered in your company's name.
Adjustments during configuration are stored in the limiter and associated with the license used.
Repair request
The repair of the "disco" mixers (ACE, GPM, LPM XTC e.t.c.) is no longer done by Dateq. An exception are the entire SPL series limiters, their accessories and the broadcast mixers; BCS25, BCS50, BCS70, BCS100 and BCS200.
Our repair partner for the disco mixers is DSA-AVL in Apeldoorn. You can register the device for repair via this link;
Devices that are still under warranty you CAN offer directly to Dateq. Please fill out the form below completely. Wait with sending the device until you have received an RMA number. Mention this number on the device.
You can find the latest drivers here. Stay up-to-date!